List of products by supplier IBSA DERMA
IBSA DERMA, PURE BEAUTY, INNOVATION Founded by a group of Swiss biologists in 1945, IBSA – Institut Biochimie SA – has acquired unique experience in pharmaceutical research and technology. By focusing on the development of innovations that optimize existing molecules and therapeutic solutions, the company has experienced rapid growth and has also expanded internationally; today, its products are available in more than 80 countries, on 5 continents. IBSA uses its experience and expertise in the pharmaceutical field to expand its activity and develop medical devices for dermatology, based on hyaluronic acid, thus creating a brand dedicated to dermoesthetics: IBSA Derma. Thanks to its scientific expertise, continuous research, technological development and a modern production process, IBSA Derma has become one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the production of hyaluronic acid for dermo-aesthetic applications. IBSA Derma stands out in this vast market through its mastery of the entire product life cycle, from production by biofermentation of the raw material, to the ready-to-use finished product in pre-filled syringes. IBSA Derma now offers a complete range of products whose production, from research to marketing, is entirely carried out in Europe (Italy).
There are 14 products.